Oh, ya.. awak2 semua janganlah tanya kenapa MA still guna blog padahal wattpad, group FB and page FB tu semua hado..
MA is old school, gais.. Hahaha..
Dulu MA start pun dari blog tau..
So, why not kita berblogger balik.. Ya tak..
Okey, as you wish.. Here you go.. Dany & Is..
Sebelum start baca tu, rajinlah click button play kat video tu ye..
Dah baca tu, jangan lupa tinggalkan komen tau,..
saja kereta berhenti di depan pagar rumah mama, Danish tersandar lesu di tempat
duduknya. Mata merenung jauh ke depan, menatap kepekatan malam. Entah kenapa,
kegelapan jalan taman yang hanya disinari dengan lampu jalan, buat dia
bertambah hiba. Gelap dan sunyi. Segalap itukah masa depan
dia selepas ini? Ooh, Tuhan.. Besarnya dugaan Kau..
I know when he's been
on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize
It's over, over
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize
It's over, over
It's not the way I
choose to live
And something somewhere's got to give
As sharing this relationship gets older, older
And something somewhere's got to give
As sharing this relationship gets older, older
gaya longlai, dia melangkah keluar dari perut
kereta lalu duduk bertenggek di tembok tepi longkang kecil, di hadapan pagar. Melepaskan
sesak di dada yang berbuku sejak tadi. Hatinya sebu dengan sendu. Pada dia
harus luahkan rasa ini?
You know I'd fight for
But how I can fight
someone who isn't even there
I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you
I don't care if that's not fair
I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you
I don't care if that's not fair
Cause I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
“Oii..! Apa buka lagu
kuat-kuat tu?” Sergahan dari rumah sebelah, langsung tak berjaya menarik
perhatian Danish. Semangat dia dah hilang, tertinggal di negeri selatan sana.
“Orang balik
bercinta pasanglah lagu happy-happy sikit. Ni lagu orang putus cinta.” Qaiser
terus mendapatkannya lalu duduk di sebelah Danish.
“Macam mana date
tujuh hari sebelum nikah? Dah mula terasa debarannya?” Qaiser bersenda bahagia.
Yalah, kawan baik merangkap jiran dah nak kahwin. Dia pun ikut tumpang bahagia.
Sepi Danish buat Qaiser berkerut dahi. Pelik.
There are times it
seems to me
I'm sharing you with
I feel it in my heart
But I don't show it, show it
I feel it in my heart
But I don't show it, show it
And then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that
you can see
Those times I don't believe it's right
I know it, know it
Those times I don't believe it's right
I know it, know it
“Weh, apahal lemau aje ni? Kau orang date buat apa aje jumpa tadi,
ha? Kau jangan macam-macam Dany, belum sah lagi kot. Jangan berani-berani nak
test power ke apa. Haram huku..”
“Is minta putus.” Layu
suara Danish menutur tapi cukup kuat untuk mematahkan segala hujah yang bakal
keluar dari mulut Qaiser.
Don't me make me
Baby you never did know how to keep them well
I've had the rest of you
Now I want the best of you
It's time for show and tell
I've had the rest of you
Now I want the best of you
It's time for show and tell
'Cause I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Jeda. Sepi. Qaiser
terkelip-kelip mencari anak mata temannya.
“Apa tus?” Qaiser
dengar dengan jelas meski suara itu kedengaran perlahan tapi entah kenapa, dia rasa
dia dah tersalah dengar.
Tanpa menjawab
soalan Qaiser, Danish meraup wajahnya bersama rintihan kecewa.
Is it all or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing
“Dany, biar betul.
Takkan Is minta putus? Putus tunang?” Terkejut, suara Qaiser naik seoktaf.
Danish diam. Entah
kenapa, tubir mata terasa panas. Ooh, come on, Dany. Takkan nangis kot.
“Lagi seminggu nak
nikah, Dany. Astaghfirullahalazim..” Qaiser hilang kata-kata sementara Danish masih
kekal menahan sendu.
Lelaki tak boleh nangis, kan. Tapi.. Ya Allah, Tuhan sajalah yang
tahu betapa kecewanya hati dia tika ini.
'Cause you and I
Could lose it all if you've got no more room
No room inside for me in your life
Could lose it all if you've got no more room
No room inside for me in your life
'Cause I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
It's now or never
Is it all or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
It's now or never
Is it all or nothing at all
“Qai..” Sebak
makin menghimpit rasa. Puas dia cuba tepis, puas dia cuba bertahan. Tapi.. Allahu..
Macam terngiang-ngiang lagu Pelamin Anganku Musnah di cuping telinganya tika
“Dany, aku tahu
apa kau rasa. Sabarlah. Benda boleh bincang lagi, kan. Selagi belum pulang
cincin secara rasmi, kau masih ada peluang pujuk Is tu.” Simpatinya terzahir
buat Danish. Seminggu lagi nak nikah, tiba-tiba Is nak batalkan. Siapa tak
Danish diam,
menahan sejuta rasa. Danish tahu, Qaiser dah nampak sisinya yang mula rapuh.
Keyakinan dia yang setinggi Bukit Broga tu, dah runtuh menyembah bumi. Perlukah
dia pujuk Is sedangkan Is sendiri yang buat keputusan mendadak tu. Dan berapa
lama lagi dia perlu bertepuk sebelah tangan dalam hubungan ni?
“Sekarang baru aku
tahu macam mana rasanya bila kena reject. Baru aku tahu macam mana kecewanya
bila cinta tak berbalas. Sakit, Qai. Allah aje yang tahu.” Sebak terus mencengkam.
Saat Qaiser menepuk bahu Danish, dia mula rasa kelopak matanya bergenang.
Danish fikirkan,
tempoh tiga tahun bertunang mampu membuatkan mereka mengenali hati
masing-masing sekaligus menerbitkan rasa kasih dan sayang untuk mereka
melangkah bahagia menuju ke jinjang pelamin. Rupanya..
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